Mike's Notes

Mike Mol's blog. Discussing why's, how's and random technical musings.

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31 August 2022

Mike Reads

by Mike Mol

So, this is an introductory post for my “Mike Reads” series, where I’ll write about what I’m reading. Mostly, I think, because I want to analyze it and take some kind of notes. No promises I’ll avoid spoilers, and this is not a judgment-free zone.

Mostly, I’d like to start by reading through the book series I’ve already read. Discworld. Wheel of Time. Dragera. Tolkien. Earthsea. The Farseer Trilogy. I’m interested in recognizing clever devices, mechanisms and concepts. (Yes, tropes, but TVTropes doesn’t cover it all.)

I’ll probably also read some other things I’ve already read, like Goldratt’s The Goal and It’s Not Luck, or Gene Kim’s The Phoenix Project and The Unicorn Project. Maybe some nonfiction, but I dunno. I’ve already laid out a pretty big project here.

There’s also going to be a “Mike Writes” series, where I’ll write about things I’m writing.

tags: mikereads