Mike's Notes

Mike Mol's blog. Discussing why's, how's and random technical musings.

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11 February 2018

A Color-Safe Palette

by Mike Mol

So, while I’ve been using this colorblind palette by Masataka Okabe and Kei Ito, the palette is presented only as a screenshot; I can’t copy/paste values. Worse, it doesn’t come with hex values, which are what I’m most likely to need. So here’s that same palette presented as a pair of tables, one with decimal values for channel percentages, and one with with decimal (0-255 range), hex and combined-hex values.

Percentages RGB, CMYK

Color Name R G B C M Y K
black 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
orange 90 60 0 0 50 100 0
sky blue 35 70 90 80 0 0 0
bluish green 0 60 50 95 0 75 0
yellow 95 90 25 10 5 90 0
blue 0 45 70 100 50 0 0
vermilion 80 40 0 0 80 100 0
reddish purple 80 60 70 10 70 0 0

0-255 Range, Hex and Combined-hex

Color Name R G B hex(R) hex(G) hex(B) combined
black 0 0 0 00 00 00 #000000
orange 230 159 0 E6 9F 00 #E69F00
sky blue 86 180 233 56 B4 E9 #56B4E9
bluish green 0 158 115 00 9E 73 #009E73
yellow 240 228 66 F0 E4 42 #F0E442
blue 0 114 178 00 72 B2 #0072B2
vermilion 213 94 0 D5 5E 00 #D55E00
reddish purple 204 121 167 CC 79 A7 #CC79A7